Rebalance your health energise your life!


“We are indeed much more than what we eat, but what we eat can nevertheless help us to be much more than what we are” Davis

I run different packages, tailored to your individual health concerns and goals. They consist of one-to-one consultations, phone call and email support as well as individualized protocols. The personalized support is important to keep you on track on those days where ‘will power’ might not be so strong. My aim is for you to have long-term success so you can live healthier lives. The packages range from 6 weeks to 6 months depending on your needs and symptoms.  Please call me to discuss what package would be suitable for your health issues.

Sample packages

Bronze  (6weeks – 2 months) 2 consultations, 2 x 20 min phone support , email support, personalized protocol.


Silver  (3 months) 3 Consultations, 3 x 20 mins phone support, email support, personalized protocol, body composition, menu planning.


Gold (6 months) 6 consultations, 4 x 20 mins phone support, email support, personalized protocol, body Composition, menu planning, food diary review. 


Shopping trips can be added too.


Metabolic Balance® programme is £750 (including blood test, health programme and 7 consultations one - to- one or by phone).
If you decide at the initial consultation that you would like to follow the Metabolic Balance programme, the initial consultation costs will be subtracted from the metabolic balance cost.

Workshops – price on application

On booking a consultation I will send you a nutritional food and health questionnaire. You will need to complete the forms and return them to me together with a deposit of £35 to cover the preparation for our first meeting. This is non refundable.

A full cancellation charge  of £120 will apply if less than 24hour notice is given.

I look forward to working with you.


Setting the stage for empowerment and self responsibility

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