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Lamb shoulder with broad beans and herbs by Ottolenghi

It’s lambing season so spring is the perfect time of year to be eating this nutritious red meat. Like the broad bean in this recipe, it too is a great source of iron and B12 but iron from meat is more easily absorbed than from its plant cousin. Iron is essential...
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Vegetable of the month - Jerusalem Artichokes
This wonderful, nutty flavoured tuber can be boiled, mashed, steamed, baked or fried! It is a versatile vegetable giving you an abundance of energy thanks to its slow releasing storage of inulin (not sugar). This vegetable is ideal for anyone trying to lose weight or suffering from diabetes and insulin resistance.
Actually, it is the soluble fibre of the inulin that makes this plant a good source of ‘prebiotics’ which feeds our ‘good gut bacteria’, aids detoxification of toxins and helps lower cholesterol! . However, it is this same composition that also makes this vegetable notorious for inducing wind! Therefore, I would suggest starting with small quantities and building up!
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Seasonal sniffling, sneezing and sore throats?
It’s that time of year again where colds are going around and spreading like a viral infection. Well, that is because it is a viral infection! The virus triggers the immune system, which then activates the mucus layer in the eyes, nose and throat causing us to feel all bunged up and ‘snotty’!
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Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire
6000 years ago, our ancestors were roasting chestnuts on open fires in the Mediterranean mountains. Chestnuts were key to their survival thanks to their complex carbohydrates and B vitamins. These ingredients contribute to both brain function and energy levels, which was of course, essential in keeping them alert and fit for hunting in the harsh environment.
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Back to school lunch box for happy, healthy children!
It’s time to go back to school and for many children this is a stressful time. Choosing the right nutrients for their packed lunch could play an important role, not only on their moods and concentration levels throughout the day but also on their immune systems to fight off the colds and sore throats that start to circulate this time of year! .
So here are a few top ‘lunch box’ tips to help your children stay happy, healthy and energised!
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The wonders of watercress
Vegetable of the Month - Watercress

Making an appearance this time of year is a wonderful, peppery, leafy green called watercress. This plant, once revered by the ancient Romans for its medicinal powers, was fed to their soldiers to fight against diseases such as scurvy, bronchitis and ‘ill’ blood.
Today, watercress is making its comeback not only because of its rich variety of nutrients but also thanks to its delicious fresh flavour and versatility in the kitchen.
Here’s a wonderful summer recipe that is perfect as a light lunch but is also delicious as an accompaniment to roasted meats. The fresh, peppery flavours of the watercress contrast with the sweet, zesty juice of the oranges. Together, they cleanse the palate and help digestion as well as add a splash of summer colour to the table.
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Naturally High Springs into Action!

Spring is in the air and one of the first vegetables of the season is asparagus. So, this month, let's focus on why asparagus should be at the top of your shopping list.
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Chilli peppers can spice up your love life and much, much more!
We, as a nation, love ‘foreign’ foods. This is possibly because of their exotic aromas and the fantastic array of spices used to enhance their flavours.
There are over 200 herbs and spices on this planet but on average, we only use about 5 of them in the UK!
Herbs and spices are Mother Nature’s medicine cabinet. In fact, when I worked in the jungles of Belize, the local people used the herbs from the rain forest for their every day needs such as for snakebites, fever, antiseptics, contraceptives, headaches etc – it was fascinating to see first hand how they relied on their surroundings to survive and used their knowledge of the medicinal powers available.
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Brussels Sprouts – Not just for Christmas!
As a child, I disliked Brussels sprouts and I know I was not the only one! You either love them or hate them. The latter is mainly due to their horrid sulphurous smell that fills the room when they have been over cooked.
Today, I love Brussels sprouts. So now, it’s become my aim to help the rest of the Nation fall in love with them too!
Below is a very simple, quick recipe for you to try, not just for Christmas day but throughout the whole winter.
Before I share it with you, I just want to give you just a little taster on how beneficial they really are to your health.
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Stuffed Marrow on the menu last night.

A friend of mine gave me this lovely marrow from her allotment. So, I decided to cook this simple, warm, winter dish for dinner. Marrow is a great source of fibre, B vitamins including folic acid, vitamins A and K, magnesium, potassium, manganese and copper. In other words, great for both energy and healthy skin. Since it does not have a strong, overpowering flavour, it is easy to add to soups and stews for that extra fix of nutrients. Remember, fibre aids digestion and detoxification.
This recipe is often made with mincemeat as a main course but I decided to prepare a vegetarian version as a side dish.
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Is Stress Taking Over Your Health
Stressed out?

Are you aware that you might be suffering from a stress related illness?
Are you lacking in energy? Do you crave sweet and/or salty foods? Are you putting on weight? Do you suffer from headaches or skin problems? Are you having digestive issues such as IBS, heartburn and food allergies? Are you suffering from excessive sweating or depression and mood swings? Do you have a low sex drive?
Any of these symptons could be an indication that you are suffering with long term stress. So what is stress?
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My Cod with Chorizo and Lentils Supper!

Today, I want to share with you a recipe that I cooked last night for friends.
I had spent the day travelling so I was looking for something that was effortless to prepare and flavoursome. Flicking through an Olive Magazine on the plane, I came across this recipe. It ticked all the boxes and looked really easy, so I decided to give it a go. It was such a success that I wanted to share it with you!
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Naturally High wishes you all a very berry summer

It’s that time of year where berries are in abundance. They epitomize summer and are fresh, juicy and tasty!
Berries and cherries are nature’s natural pharmacy. They are packed with antioxidants, giving them those beautiful deep colours of blues, purples and reds. These antioxidants have a myriad of health benefits: anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal to name just a few.
These small fruits are also rich in polyphenols, which protects the fruit from natural preditors while growing. Research has shown that these compounds protect against Alzheimers, Parkinson’s disease and diabetes as well as having anti-cancer properties.
So, let’s meet these berry wonders……
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