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Mushrooms and spiralised cougettes
Tonight I wanted to cook something seasonal, filling and warming! I was inspired by my packet of funghi porcini and this is what I made...

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Back to school lunch box for happy, healthy children!
It’s time to go back to school and for many children this is a stressful time. Choosing the right nutrients for their packed lunch could play an important role, not only on their moods and concentration levels throughout the day but also on their immune systems to fight off the colds and sore throats that start to circulate this time of year! .
So here are a few top ‘lunch box’ tips to help your children stay happy, healthy and energised!
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Rosemary the perfect herb for the Easter holidays.

Traditionally, Easter provokes images of delicious family lunches of roasted Iamb with rosemary. So, I thought this would be the perfect time of year to share with you some of the health benefits from this wonderful fragrant herb. It is however, an evergreen plant, so the fresh leaves are available all year round.
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Chilli peppers can spice up your love life and much, much more!
We, as a nation, love ‘foreign’ foods. This is possibly because of their exotic aromas and the fantastic array of spices used to enhance their flavours.
There are over 200 herbs and spices on this planet but on average, we only use about 5 of them in the UK!
Herbs and spices are Mother Nature’s medicine cabinet. In fact, when I worked in the jungles of Belize, the local people used the herbs from the rain forest for their every day needs such as for snakebites, fever, antiseptics, contraceptives, headaches etc – it was fascinating to see first hand how they relied on their surroundings to survive and used their knowledge of the medicinal powers available.
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Celeriac – Beauty and the Beast.
In winter, Mother Nature provides us with a power house of nutrients needed to protect us against the colds and flus that are flying around this time of year.
Celeriac is quite an ugly, knobbly, root vegetable. Yet, behind it’s warty exterior, there is a treasure trove of surprises.
Stressed out?

Are you aware that you might be suffering from a stress related illness?
Are you lacking in energy? Do you crave sweet and/or salty foods? Are you putting on weight? Do you suffer from headaches or skin problems? Are you having digestive issues such as IBS, heartburn and food allergies? Are you suffering from excessive sweating or depression and mood swings? Do you have a low sex drive?
Any of these symptons could be an indication that you are suffering with long term stress. So what is stress?
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Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Stumbling across an untouched village in Tuscany.
We were looking for a quiet place to spend our last night in Tuscany. We had been visiting many busy touristy spots, so were in search of a local hideaway. As luck would have it, we stumbled upon Montemagno. A stone, medieval village tucked away in the rolling hills, surrounded by olive groves. It was only 20 mins drive from Pisa Airport, which was ideal for our flight the next day. We happened to meet a very friendly, warm woman called Nicoletta. She took us into her home, gave us olive oil bruschetta and talked passionately about her production of organic olive oil. While we were chatting, she mentioned she had a few apartments (18th C) in the village. Perfect – we found what we were looking for...
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Salmon with avocado and olives and a rich mixture of herby, leafy salad.

Salmon with avocado and olives and a rich mixture of herby, leafy salad.
This simple dish is very quick and effortless and full of health promoting nutrients. It took me 15 mins to prepare and cook!
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Naturally High wishes you all a very berry summer

It’s that time of year where berries are in abundance. They epitomize summer and are fresh, juicy and tasty!
Berries and cherries are nature’s natural pharmacy. They are packed with antioxidants, giving them those beautiful deep colours of blues, purples and reds. These antioxidants have a myriad of health benefits: anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal to name just a few.
These small fruits are also rich in polyphenols, which protects the fruit from natural preditors while growing. Research has shown that these compounds protect against Alzheimers, Parkinson’s disease and diabetes as well as having anti-cancer properties.
So, let’s meet these berry wonders……
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Go Nuts!
Naturally High goes walnuts!
Nuts? Are they friend or foe? I can't tell you how often I hear clients say they avoid nuts because they think they are fattening. So, today, we are going to focus on the many benefits that walnuts have to offer, dispelling the myth that they are our enemies!
Most nuts have both Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty acids. Walnuts themselves have 8 times more omega 3 than any other nut. These fats are called 'essential' because, like vitamins, we must include them in our diet for survival. Omega 3, known for its anti-inflammatory properties, helps protect against arthritis, eczema and asthma. In addition, it is believed to increase elasticity in our arteries, resulting in lowering blood pressure as well as increasing HDL 'good' cholesterol. The walnut has been labelled cardio protective.
Did you know that 60% of our brain is made of fat? So, with that in mind, the fats found in walnuts are key to our cognitive function, memory and concentration as well as influencing our moods.
It doesn't end there - walnuts are packed with antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, including vitamin E, zinc and magnesium. B6 is especially important, for burning carbohydrates, protein and fat to give us energy. This explains its link to weight loss. Contrary to popular opinion, recent research has shown that eating a handful of walnuts a day helped participants to lose weight. Another study showed, eating a few nuts with breakfast will keep you fuller for longer and helps control both insulin and blood sugar levels, reducing the need to graze all day.
Even the Romans 2000 years ago, used nuts as a cure against poisons, gangrene and hair loss!!! So, folks of the 21st Century, crack open the walnut and make it your friend.
Why not try this simple, tasty recipe and remember nuts are an excellent source of protein.
Beetroot and walnut salad
In a bowl mix 3 chopped, cooked beetroots, a handful of walnuts and herbs of choice (parsley, chives, etc), 2 chopped spring onions and a sprinkle of pomegranates (optional). Season with olive oil and cider vinegar. Enjoy
If you have concerns about either weight management or inflammatory issues please contact Naturally High.
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